Friday, October 12, 2007


Fall truly is a most amazing time of year

The leaves turning colors, both bright and dull

The wind softly sweeping them from their branches

The earth composting them slowly as they lie


The crispness of the air

The harvest taken

The home fires burning

Calling you home

Calling softly

to rest.... to prepare.. Winter is not far

Blessed Be

Friday, October 5, 2007

My Best Friends

My best friends have four legs

lots of lovely long hair, and short hair

my friends are accepting of me

they only ask a bit of me

"Can we go for a walk?"

............of course we can, and we do for miles and miles

My friends enjoy having dinner with me, but of course

I am their favorite cook!

My friends love a good back scratch, and are so content afterwards

tho' they never scratch my back (intentionally)

..............but they do make me feel so good.

My friends listen to when I arrive and greet me with a smile

My friends are sad to see me leave

and always exhuberant to know I am home.

My friends are my dogs

No matter how hard that may seem for people to believe

I could be quite content living all alone for years

with only a house full of dogs

Each dog in my life has taught me a great deal

They have shown me how to be patient

they have taught me to be kind

they have accepted me, with and without makeup!

Yep, my really BEST Friends are

my Dogs, past ~present~ and I assume future ones

I can not live without my dogs