Thursday, November 18, 2010

Where in the World have I BEEN?

Ha.. of course I am busy, I am always busy.. so busy I haven't had a  moment to spare to jot down all the things I have been busy doing

First I learned to knit.. here are some photos of my newest adventure... 

Of course that was the beginning, then I really got going and created a Christmas gift.. for my granddaughter! Here it is

I am really Proud of my Accomplishments.. My grandmother was BLUE in FACE trying to teach me to knit in my youth...but I could never manage it.. .mostly because She would RIPPPPPPPP out every mistake!  It was pretty discouraging.   So Now I am on my way to being a Happy Knitter!

There are some other new adventures coming to this BLOG .. in a day or two!
Keep your eyes open!!

                                                                Crazy but Mostly Happy