Have you seen them? Do you know them? Have you tried them?
Ingredients: For a Nettle Omelet |
Olive Oil
Green Onions
1. Boil the nettle for 3-5 minutes. 2. Drain and dry the greens.
3. Chop them up and saute with some olive oil.
4. Beat the eggs with the milk.
5. Add the eggs to the pan with the saute with the nettle.
6. Add you optional ingredients.
Another of my own garden favorites coming up.. is Motherwort!... Look at her grow!!
Motherwort has endless capabilities to help you as a Woman feel GREAT!
Explore the Possibilities TODAY!
Motherwort Herb
Motherwort, a flowering member of the mint family is native to Central Asia but can now be found growing all over the world. The Motherwort plant, also called Lion’s Tail or Lion’s Ear has square shaped stem, 3 pointed leaves and produces small pink to lilac colored flowers and can be found growing along the road side and in vacant fields.
Motherwort has long been used as a medicinal herb and has been used traditionally in Central Asia, Europe and North America for its usefulness on a variety of ailments. Motherwort was even thought to prevent pregnancy and promote menstruation when used on a regular basis. It is thought that the name Motherwort came from the early Greeks who would give this herb to pregnant woman suffering from anxiety; however, the use of Motherwort is discouraged during pregnancy today.
Motherwort Tea
Herbal Tea Recipe
Motherwort tea is prepared by steeping 1 ounce dried herb in 1 pint of boiling water for 10 minutes.
Enjoy Life..
Enjoy Living
Smile Often
Hug Frequently
Dance Always