Sunday, December 26, 2010


So I learned to knit.. made myself a scarf, and since I don't know enough knitting yet I bought another skein of yarn and crocheted myself a beret to go with the scarf.
My grand-daughter took a couple of pictures, which my husband balked at saying, "Wow you really look like a gramma now!" "Hat and Scarf to match!" 

Here I am telling him, he has to be good and can't be naughty!!...
Well ok, I guess I do look like a real gramma in these pictures.. but least you all know what I have been up to!
Merry Merry....


Louisa said...

You look great in earth tones. Merry Yule. L.

Mamafeefeejones said...

You don't look that much like a gramma!