Friday, January 14, 2011

Knitting for Snow!

Having a Snow Day is always nice.. and for the first time in a long time I actually did nothing!
 I took my time, I read and did some knitting it was nice to have nothing to do and being able to 'chill'
I decided to step up my knitting skills with a new pattern, and here it is! My intention is to make it like a small scarf that will wrap my neck like a 'turtleneck' and I will add a little overlay in size with a button and loop!

And while I was knitting away.. Our Pussy Willow tree which is enormous decided the weight of the heavy wet snow was to much of a burden.. and split! The play-ground swing apparatus is actually holding it up!  So another job as soon as the temperatures rise a bit! Poor Pussy Willow!

Yours Truly!

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