Saturday, July 16, 2011

The 25 Day NO Flour Challenge

DAY 11
It's really already day 11 ~ I am doing GREAT!
I really thought this would be a bigger issue with me, obviously it's the quick take of Pasta and Bread that draws me to it, because there isn't any other reason I want it
This morning I tried making a new product CHIA GOODNESS it
is a blend of chia seeds, buckwheat and hemp seeds you add 1/4 cup of milk alternative, or water and let soak for five minutes then add whatever you like
 So I am using half a banana with the mixture on the right the "Chia Goodness" which came from RAW FOOD WORLD . COM
I added a small handful of blueberries and a few walnuts
Gave it a stir and a taste.. not yet! 
  I added a teaspoon of Agave and a Tablespoon of Coconut Butter.. 
AH ~ YES.. Delish!

So technically by the time it was done it was noon and that was lunch!

fresh juice with 8 carrots, 4 stalks of celery, 2 oranges, 1 lemon, 1 lime and 2 apples. That of course is cut in equal parts with water and made 3 quarts and 2 cups

I have time this weekend, so I looked through my recipes to see what I might conjure up with the stuff I have in my cupboards
I found a raw recipe for WALNUT CAKE
the crust
1 cup of walnuts
1 cup of raisins
mixed with 1 tsp of vanilla in the food processor 
into the pan
on top
1/2 cup of walnuts
the juice of one lemon
processed smooth and poured on top of the crust
Here it is

The one little brown dot there is a piece of the crust I picked up while smoothing on the top mixture
It's in the freezer, haven't tried it.. 
When I am DESPERATE for a goodie it'll be there waiting!
Tasty and Nutritious
"I am ecstasy giving birth
Because of me, Heaven is realized on Earth.
I inspire people to do their best
By living my life with passion and zest." 
Kelly Sullivan 
 I'm really not sure that we were meant to consume so many products with flour, sugar, corn syrup and the likes
Help Build a Better Planet
with Sustainable Living


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