Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Yesterday I woke up to another wonderful day of Life....
I became a 55 year old Woman

Nothing really spectacular happened or did it

I used my legs and hands
my eyes, my mouth, my nose
my heart continued beating
my brain helped me to see, smell, feel, taste and touch the
Miraculous World all around me

Friends from all over the world sent me e-greetings
Family gave me hugs
My Son always the first to say happy birthday...
My only Brother stopped by and brought me flowers
My Mom came to hug me
My Daughter showered me with little loves all day long
My granddaughter was quick to remind me all day it was MY birthday
My Friend surprised me with a visit at camp and brought cake and ice cream for everyone.. and balloons too
My choral friends under the direction of my sweetie Waylon all sang a beautiful in harmony rendition of Happy Birthday
I treated myself to a delish-E-ous piece of Birthday cake when I came home...
and whew went to bed

YES it was a Beautiful Birthday day.... and many of you all helped to make it that way

Thank you

Ezevia Rose

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Whoo hooo it's summer
what does that mean
Hot sticky days?
Family fun?
Beach walks...
all that and more!
Farmers Market
Lots of Sun
Stars, visibility ....
Yes Yes