Monday, August 9, 2010

Almond Milk

Today we are adventuring into the world of nut milk, got a good high powered blender? Than you too can make it

  First you soak those raw almonds over night..  next you drain and rinse!  Now you can add them (1 1/2 cups) to 4 cups of pure clean water, and ... whir them... for about 2 minutes, you don't want to go longer than that in a Vita mix or you'll have warm milk!

There are 'milk-bags' available for purchase if you google them, you can use cheesecloth, but after a few big messes I decided it best to invest in a nut milk bag.. they are not that expensive and worth it.
I use my pampered chef bowl, the smaller one, line it with the nut milk bag, strain and 'milk' it like i imagine you would a Cow.. MOOOOOOOO then you can add agave or maple syrup if you want it sweet, personally I add no sweeeteners to mine

Once you have milked it add it to your container, YOU are all set.. Chill and Enjoy... just think once you have done this a few times it's so easy, there are no stabilizers, or scary ingredients that you have to wonder why they are in your food product.. and no Cows are involved!

You see on the right.. is the discarded almond pulp
You can save this in the fridge for a week or so.. I use it to make raw cookies and crackers.. WATCH for that recipe coming to a Magickal Mug blog near YOU!


Flidai said...

Have you ever tried making yogurt out of your almond milk?

Earth Song said...

Funny, No but just this morning I was pondering it.. are you in my brain?

Flidai said...

Yes and I'm moving things around!
For almond yogurt you just need to add yogurt cultures (you can get dairy free on-line but I just use a little regular yogurt) and you need to add a little honey so the cultures have something to eat and let it incubate for 12 hours. Try it.

Earth Song said...

So Flidai what is your ratio of yogurt to almond milk if I may ask! I would love to try that, and it would be great to share with my granddaughters!