Friday, August 13, 2010

What are you reading, doing and eating?

While searching through all those magazines at Barnes and Noble I found this... 
 There were some really great articles in here, I highly suggest looking for this magazine.. it's great!
Now.. where was I.. 
Oh.. yes I have been busy with dehydrating.. and creating, So I'll let you in on that.
The bananas as you can see were getting a little soft, I sliced them fairly thin and put them into the dehydrator over night. 

Here you can see the process. First they are sliced, then they are dried.. I put them into a clean jar to keep! They don't last long, they are better than candy!

While all this is going on, you know I can't keep still so I am also in my 'craft' room creating.. Ever tried one of these accordion books?  They are fairly simple and make great gifts.  Above shows them open, on the right here they are closed!  

That's all for today..  I have got some great surprises coming.
      St. Johns Wort salve...   Body Powder.... and more!!
Watch the Magickal mug for more fun!   

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What wonderful journeys!!! Thanks so much for sharing them with us! :)