Monday, July 18, 2011

The 25 Day NO Flour Challenge -Day 13

Day 13

Yeah that's right thirteen days!
YOU can do it TOO

 Stepping into the world of Fruits and Vegetables
What do you know about Forgaging?
Yesterday wasn't the challenge I thought it would be for those of you who are following me on this challenge. Instead of having to attend the festival with smells of fried foods, my daughters in-laws invited me to their home to swim and feed me.  Denise who is following me made a delightful salad of spinach greens with marinated peaches that were grilled along with red onions! Oh Yum it was delicious. I am grateful for her thoughtfulness and kindness
The dog and I walked early today.. 5:15 and are cutting our time for our 2.5 walk! Used to take nearly 45 minutes (long time ago 22 minutes, then we began slacking off) now we are back to 32 minutes!
We're getting back to our old selves
The sunrise this morning was rich with color ~ the clouds were just below the sunrise, the sun a huge ORANGE glowing ball of amazing light!
One bunny waited on the grassy roadside for us to reach it.. we were so close (the Lab doesn't care about bunnies or other wildlife) as we neared.. poof went it's little tail as it scampered off.
Those are the things that make my life complete!
 There are no challenges today, other than HEAT!
WE are about to enter our first heat-wave.. ugh!
More news tomorrow
Breakfast today.. strawberry, raspberry, 1/2 banana with coconut milk and Health Force Nutritionals "Green" blended
Lunch .. berries.. blue, straw, rasp and black... !!!
and LOTS and LOTS of WATER
Have a splendid day.. and keep HYDRATED

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