Thursday, July 7, 2011

The 25 Day NO Flour Challenge

Day Two
So Day one wasn't bad at all, didn't think it would be (somewhere around day Ten I imagine I'll get something!)
I did head over to the Green Grocer in Portsmouth RI
a nice local healthy alternative shoppe for like minded beings attempting to live healthy lives, when I mentioned to the young clerk I was on a 25 no flour challenge and I told her I was afraid I'd get crabby or nasty, she chuckled and said maybe not...maybe people have said their moods change for the better without flour!
I picked up some of that new crunchy snack seaweed in individual packages for 'snacks' the ones I love are Annie Chuns here is the web link
and some rice cakes, good ol rice cakes, haven't had those in years!

So today's meal plan
A smoothie for breakfast ~ strawberries, spinach, apple and "Green" supplement from Health Force Nutritionals
Lunch consists of marinated vegetables, that'd be broccoli, mushrooms, and carrots all raw with a lemon dressing made with Olive Oil, Lemon juice, salt and dijon mustard
some Purple Dragon Kale salad 
Blueberries to snack on
 I also found this Herbal Water.. this particular one is Cinnamon and orange peel, I'll let you know how it tastes tomorrow.. might be a nice cool refreshing change!
Dinner.. who knows.. lots of veggies for sure and I picked up some Falafal balls (as opposed to meatballs) yesterday, I find them a nice alternative to soy and 3 are filling!
 I did find this new juice as well, the green one has pulp the blue one does not! Taste testing is one of my favorite past times.. and there is my SIGG bottle with water ready for the day!.. 
and OH by the way.. that ugly Hawaiian Punch bottle is something one of our parents brought refreshment last Friday, NOT a product I would bother purchasing! UGH...
And to keep myself busy I have been knitting dishcloths, continuing my knitting skills by following directions! .. This has a heart pattern in it and was fun to create. Keeps my hands from putting food into my mouth!
So onwards and upwards to meeting my goal! 
Another Day! 

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